The environment is a much-discussed topic and, if you have a garden, you have your own opportunity to contribute to safeguarding nature. You might assume that simply going chemical free and encouraging local wildlife into your little slice of Mother Nature is enough to make your own green footprint. Whilst this is true, there are a number of different things to adopt that will make your garden even more eco-friendly.
Compost bin
If you’re a keen gardener, why not make your own nutrient rich soil from your waste? Whether you buy a purpose-built composter, use an old rubbish bin, or simply have a corner of your garden dedicated to composting, late summer to early winter is the best time to get started.
You will ideally want to have an earth base to start composting to allow for drainage. Then simply get loading with all your vegetable kitchen waste, grass clippings, paper, cardboard, dead leaves, and whatever other natural matter you want to break down into soil. You will just need to remember to turn the heap – this simply means taking a fork and mixing everything around so it doesn’t get too compact and the air can infiltrate all the rich soil being produced.
It can take six months to two years for your waste to rot down into the dark brown soil we are used to. However, you can always take the mature waste and leave the rest to continue breaking down as you continually top up your heap.
Solar powered lighting
Save on your energy bill and reduce your carbon footprint by opting for solar powered lights in your garden. Whilst this can mean an extra expense if you already have outside lighting installed that runs off electricity, you will easily recoup the expenditure as your electricity bill will go down.
Solar powered lights come in a variety of styles so there will not be any issue when it comes to your garden aesthetic. From fairy lights and LED spike lights, to deck lighting and LED candle lights, there is a huge range of different solar lights available to use in your garden.
Eco-friendly hot tub
For the environmentally conscious amongst us, it can seem like buying a hot tub would have a negative impact on creating a green outdoor space. However, there are now eco hot tubs available. Riptide hot tubs from Hot Tub Barn are the most energy efficient spas on the market meaning your energy bill will be much lower than a standard hot tub, and you won’t be adversely affecting the environment.
At Hot Tub Barn we are actively doing more to be an environmentally friendly business. We actively participate in green initiatives and:
- We are working towards paperless administration
- Encouraging customers to download PDFs rather than being sent a hard copy
- Building and selling products manufactured from material with low environmental impact
- Engaging in green causes
- Recycling used hot tubs and other unwanted products from out customers
Use a water butt
Keeping your garden hydrated can take a serious amount of water, particularly in the summer months when rainfall can be limited. Using a hose can waste quite a lot of water and is an extra expense to yourself. Why not get your hands on a water butt and keep your garden green for next to nothing?
Water butts can be used to collect rainfall from your roof or garden shed. Simply place your water butt in an area where rainwater flows off a roof more readily. The water butt will collect all the water and then you can pop a watering can under the tap and get watering your plants.